The temperature isn’t the only thing that heats up in summer. Real estate listings heat up as well. Even in a slower market, people tend to list more in the summertime. So that means a lot of competition in the community. Like marketing any product or service, real estate marketing takes more than throwing a 500-character description on the MLS and some photos on an agency website. Give your home the advantage by getting it professionally staged.


Research shows that 53% of sellers’ agents say that home staging decreases the amount of time a home is on the market. According to the 2019 Profile of Home Staging Survey published in March by the National Association of Realtors (NAR), 46% of sellers’ agents also reported that staging increases the dollar value offered by buyers.


Less Time Listed and More Money!


In her July 8, 2019 advice column, “Designing With Joy: Make Your Home Stand Out in Today’s Market” in Design & Living Magazine, Christen Anderson writes, “Staging a home is setting yourself up for success.” She shares several reasons staging homes is crucial to a fast sale, but let’s look at three reasons your home will sell faster when you employ a professional home stager.


1. Make the Best First Impression

With fierce competition out there, it is vital for your home to stand out and appeal to the buyer upon first look. Our award-winning team at Creative Home Stagers in Charlotte add the polish and perfect touches to ensure your home stands out. We use what you already own and/or additional furnishings and arrange them to “speak” to the potential buyers to give your home top-of-mind status.


2. Picture Your Home Objectively

When you live in your home day in and day out, you often overlook things still on the “honey-do list” and the unsightly clutter that draws unwanted attention from buyers during a walk-through. While your agent may point out areas that need your attention before your home is listed, a professional home stager can package, prepare and present your home in a way that helps you see it from a fresh perspective, which is the way potential buyers will see it. In a study, 83% of buyers’ agents said staging a home helped their buyers visualize the property as a future home. (NAR, March 2019).


3. Create an Extraordinary Online Presence

When the majority of homebuyers browse homes online before they ever step foot in one, the magazine-worthy rooms make a big impact, driving foot traffic and offers—often higher offers. At Creative Home Stagers we are interior designers and decorators, first. We know color and coordination. We know textiles and textures. We know layout and traffic flow. We know details and design. We know how to work a “Wow!” for potential buyers.


Oh, and here’s one more thing you have going for you: it is common for sellers’ agents to cover the cost of professional home staging. Imagine those offers rolling in now!


If you’re in the market to sell a property we want to work with you. Contact our team today so we can help you sell your property fast and at top dollar.