
Hot markets can be deceptive. Although it might seem like all you have to do is stick a For Sale sign in the yard, smart sellers know that dotting their Is and crossing their Ts gets them more money and a faster sale.

Don’t let a “hot” market catch you unaware. If you don’t prepare your home well, you’re leaving money on the table. Here are four things you still need to do, even in a hot market.

  1. Hire a Realtor

    Great Realtors don’t just slap your home up on the MLS then wait for the offers to pour in. No, the right Realtor will work with you on setting a correct listing price, evaluating your competition, and effectively marketing your home. Then, once you do (hopefully!) get multiple offers, they’ll work with you to determine which is best, and which are selling you short. Statistics don’t lie: For Sale By Owner homes sell for an average of $55,000 less than Realtor-listed properties.

  2. Stage Your Home

    Staging your home gets you top-dollar. It helps your home sell faster and it brings in better offers. Staging brings out the best in your property while simultaneously minimizing its shortcomings. Working with a reputable, experienced local stager also means you’re positioning your property to appeal to exactly the kind of buyers who’re looking in your area. ROI on staging generally ranges anywhere from 5% to 500%.
  3. Hold an Open House

    Your open house is your home’s first impression to the market. In a hot seller’s market, open house day is critical because it’s when many buyers make the decision to scratch multiple properties off their list. If your house doesn’t shine during its open house, you’ll get fewer showings and unfortunately, fewer offers. A qualified Realtor can help you decide when and how to hold your home open and market it appropriately so you get a good showing on the day-of.

  4. Fix the Flaws

    Do you need to do an entire kitchen renovation before you list your home? No. But you do need to spend some time fixing the property’s major issues, from peeling paint to cracked stucco. If something’s noticeable enough to be bothering you, the homeowner, you can bet buyers will see it too. And any issue, however small, could be interpreted by buyers as a sign you haven’t “kept up” the home, especially when you’re asking top-dollar.

Preparing your home for sale in a seller’s market is different from in other real estate climates. It takes a lot of finesse to ensure you’re getting the absolute best price for your home, and you only have one chance to make a first impression. In a super-hot market, you don’t want buyers to wonder why your house has been sitting on the market for months.

Ready for a staging consultation?
Contact the experienced, accredited team at Creative Home Stagers today to find out more.