
Selling a home is never easy. If you’ve ever been a buyer, you know how easy it is to get caught up in the little detractors of a home. Even in a hot market, sellers must be proactive to prevent buyers from making assumptions and drawling conclusions in order to get the best price, fast.

What are some of the most common turnoffs to home buyers that sellers often fail to think of? Creative Home Stagers have worked with hundreds of homeowners on successful home sales. Here’s what we’ve realized sellers can never, ever forget.


  1. Distinctive Smell

    Your home shouldn’t smell. It might be tempting to make your home smell “good” by busting out potpourri or incense, but smells are incredibly polarizing. Don’t risk turning off buyers with the wrong scent. Likewise, be sure your home doesn’t have a less-than-appealing smell you’ve just gotten used to. Mold, soiled carpets, and even food odors are common culprits.
  2. Dirt or Grime

    No, buyers aren’t likely to be on their knees in your kitchen inspecting whether or not there are dust bunnies under your fridge. But rest assured they will notice the kind of lived-in dirt all homes build up over time: dirty grout, mildewed decking, stained carpet. Don’t let homeowners leave your home wondering what else you haven’t bothered to clean.

  3. Curb Un-Appeal

    Does your house look like The Adam’s Family mansion? Even in winter, your home shouldn’t look like a repository for all things dead and withered. Take care to buy colorful potted plants (they’re sold all year long!) and landscape the yard, even if it’s not its greenest. Also be sure to pressure wash driveways and the exterior of your home to keep them from looking mildewed, too.
  4. Your Pet

    You love your pet, but buyers might not. It’s always a good idea to remove any sign of a pet from a property that’s on the market; not all buyers are animal people! Keep your pet gear near the car so you can grab it and go when there’s a showing, and always be sure your pet hasn’t left any odor or fur in the home. Better yet, treat your beloved pet to a “staycation” with a friend or family member while the house is on the market!

  5. Bad Lighting

    A lack of lighting is bad. Bad lighting is almost worse. The lights in your home create an ambiance whether you realize it or not. Check for weird shadows, darkened areas, or over-lit spaces at all times of day. Also consider whether warm or cool tone lightbulbs best complement your home décor.

Do you need help attracting home buyers? Creative Home Stagers is Charlotte’s favorite home staging company and we’re happy to help.

Reach out to our team of accredited stagers today to learn more about how affordable – and how effective – staging really is.