

The summer of 2020 changed the way homes function. Benjamin Franklin said: For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned.” You can earn those extra summer hours this year with five ways to create an organized system in your home.

1. Simple Decluttering

Go from room to room and clear out the stuff you don’t need. For example, are the kid’s rooms filled with toys they haven’t played with for years?

Consider stuff in community rooms, as well. Why do you keep each item? Does it serve a purpose or have sentimental value? Is it something that you still think you will need in six months or a year? If you approach generalized decluttering this way, you can make room without throwing away stuff you want.

2. Out With the Old

Also, as you go through the various rooms in your house, replace the old stuff with newer items like toilet brushes and curtain liners. This will give each room a fresh feel, as well.

At the same time, consider what areas you might utilize for storage per room and if you can add things to improve your options like an over the toilet cabinet or a storage bench in the laundry room.

Ask yourself if you are making good use of these spaces, too. For instance, would it make sense to get storage boxes that slide under the bed or to put shelves in the closets?

3. Categorize Things That Should Go into Storage

Once you declutter, the next step is to figure out what things you might store because you use them occasionally, or they are seasonal such as winter boots or book bags.
Try to group things as much as possible. For example, put all the holiday stuff in one group and home office items in another. As you arrange stuff by category, you might notice more things that you can get rid of, too.

Include a group for things you want to donate at some point. It may be autumn or winter before organizations can begin to accept donations again, so make sure anything you keep is worth giving away.

4. Create a Workable Storage System

Make a list of all the storage areas you have available, including the garage, basement, and interior spaces such as closets and cabinets. Look at things that will increase the value of your home, as well, such as a shed.

Make a second list of the things you need in these places, like closet organizers and containers. Avoid using boxes for storage. Opt for clear bins instead so you can easily see what is in each.

5. Make Organization and Cleaning a Family Project

They are probably looking for something to do anyway. By getting the whole family involved, you let them help you make decisions that affect them, as well. Kids can take charge of their rooms. This way, they know where to find things and where to put them away.

Active organization is the key to keeping everyone more comfortable this summer. For more tips on how to keep your home organized, subscribe to our blog today.