
1. Your Home Isn’t Selling

We know. You’re resistant. Home staging doesn’t seem like a sound financial investment. You can stage furniture yourself, right? Well, we don’t want to be the Debbie-downer, but if your home isn’t selling– home staging should be your first solution because it works. Home staged listings don’t stay on the market nearly as long as their non-staged competition. Home staging helps your buyers move in before they do. That’s the secret. If your walkthroughs can’t visualize themselves in your home, you’ve lost them. And the next one. And the one after that. Here’s what you’re missing out on:

Quick-Shot Benefits of Home Staging:

  • Sells your home faster
  • Helps clients move in mentally
  • Appeals to all buyers, not just niche markets
  • Positions your home cohesively in the best light
  • Emphasizes unique home features
  • Boosts your asking price

2. You Have No Viewings

How can you sell your home if no one is coming to see it? Listing your home staged listing online is proven to increase your booking rates by 40 percent when well photographed. Without a robust marketing plan, even the best staged homes have trouble selling. Spread the word! But make sure to address any housekeeping and staging issues before showing your home.

3. No One Has Made An Offer

No offers yet, but had several walkthroughs? Take a moment to consider potential buyers and real estate agents alike cite home staging as critically important when deciding to make an initial offer. Among the most important rooms to stage are the (1) master bedroom, (2) kitchen, and (3) dining area. If you want to “try before you buy” why not sign up for a home staging evaluation?


We’ll walk you through our staging review summary and give you our top ten priority list. From there you can make an informed decision about what to do next. But if you don’t do something, don’t expect your home to be off the market any faster.

4. Clients Aren’t Impressed When They Do Visit

Pay attention to the compliments your home receives. If they’re few and far between– or worse, non-existent– that’s a red flag you can’t ignore. Home staging emphasizes the best features of your home in the most striking way possible. If you’re not familiar with how to encapsulate the best facets of your architectural design or niche spaces, it can cost you big time. Home staging increases opening offers by five to ten percent. That’s a win-win for you– less work and scoring higher asking prices.

5. You Can Tell Something Isn’t Quite There Yet

If you walked into your home, would you want to buy it? Be honest in your assessment. And then toss it from your mind, because you can’t be unbiased when staging your home– and that’s your biggest weakness. You’re too close to your home. Having a third party staging agency who isn’t attached to the current layout of your home will easily identify the best areas to stage and eliminate everything else. Don’t beat yourself up. Parting with your home (even if it’s a welcomed event) is difficult. Let us lighten the load and make the sale.

6. You Don’t Know the Essential Home Staging Principals

Cut yourself some slack! Home staging is a nuanced art. If you can’t ramble off the core principles of home staging, why are you expecting yourself to properly stage your home? It’s not fair. To you, or your potential buyers. Give your listing the highest chance of success by hiring a professional.


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