
So, you want to sell your home. The first step you take is to secure a realtor to begin discussing what similar homes in your neighborhood are selling for and what you can potentially get for your home. As you’re in conversations of how you’re going to get market value – or more – for your home, your realtor mentions two words: home staging.

Here are seven things your realtor wants you to know about home staging and how it’s going to help you sell your home:

1. Home Staging Utilizes Interior Design Concepts

If you’ve ever opened a Homes magazine or turned the TV to HGTV, you’re instantly drawn to the open concept, beautifully decorated spaces you’re shown. It’s not hard to see why.

Interior designers are experts at staging, and using different colors and textures to make a space more inviting and warm.

Home staging utilizes interior design concepts to turn your home into an open and inviting space that draws in potential buyers.


2. Staging Turns Your House into the Potential Buyer’s Home

One of the most important things home staging does is depersonalize your home, allowing the potential buyer to see their own lives taking place in the house. Your home stager will remove family photos, pet items and other personal items in your home, and replace them with neutral items.

You’ve made a lot of memories in your home and there are many memories to be made for a new family in the house. However, it’s much easier for that new family to picture the memories they’ll create by having a blank canvas.

3. It Maximizes the Space and Lighting Indoors

When you’re trying to sell your home, it’s important to capitalize on the square footage by making each room in the house seem as spacious as possible. A home stager will assess each room in your home and move the furniture, remove clutter and enhance the lighting. This will make each space seem as open and bright as possible.


4. Home Staging Enhances Your Curb Appeal

Home staging takes place not only inside, but also outside your home. First impressions mean everything and so it’s imperative your curb appeal is clean and inviting. A fresh coat of paint and some landscape work can go a long way when it comes to a potential buyer picturing your house as their new home.

5. It Keeps Your House Show-Ready

When your house is on the market, it’s important your home is show-ready at all times. You never know when your realtor will contact you and tell you they are bringing someone over to see the house in a matter of minutes.

Home stagers set your home up so there is little to no maintenance needed from you to keep your home show-ready at all times.


6. Home Staging Allows You to Sell Your House Faster and for More Money

Here’s the most important thing you need to know about home staging: it allows you to sell your home on average in 11 days or less, and for 17 percent more!

If you’re wanting to sell your home fast and for more money, the solution is a no-brainer. It’s time to hire a home stager.

Get in Touch with Creative Home Stagers!

Are you ready to get in touch with a home staging professional to prep your home to sell? With rave reviews throughout the Carolinas, Creative Home Stagers is a team of accredited home stagers and interior designers who hold the expertise to help you sell your home fast and for more money.

So when your realtor suggests home staging, look no further! Contact us today.