

Home builders have a variety of decisions to make when designing a new home, and keeping up with current trends can go a long way toward making a home marketable. Aesthetics and functionality should both be considered when building a home, and presenting a new home in the best possible light can be the deciding factor in making a quick sale. Here are some of the most helpful trends that home builders can incorporate into their 2019 projects!


Consider Your Color Palette

Unless you want the house you’re building to look like it was built in the 1970s, avoid vintage colors, such as bright orange and avocado green. Instead, consider using pastels or neutrals to provide a simple basis that will pair well with sleek, modern furniture. Black, gold, and silver are expected to be popular furniture colors in 2019, which can be a helpful starting point when deciding how to set your home up for success in the eyes of artistic potential buyers.

Furniture trends can also be applied to embellishments that home builders must consider, such built-in cabinets, drawers, and countertops. When selecting materials for these elements, be sure to consider how they might look when combined with your buyer’s furniture. Neutral countertops, such as white marble or black wood, make more sense than brightly colored ones, and silver and brass are good choices for cabinet handles.

Rose gold is one exception that, when used correctly, can add a modern pop to your built-in cabinets and drawers. This shade of metallic, pale pink has gained traction in everything from jewelry to furniture in recent years, and it can be an appropriate accent color. Rose gold works best when a small amount is placed against a neutral backdrop, such as a rose gold handle on a dark brown, white, or black cabinet.

Incorporate Sustainability

Buyers that are in the market for new, trendy homes make up a population that is also likely to care about modern ways to protect the environment. Sustainable techniques can be incorporated into the appearance and functionality of new homes, which will appeal to modern-minded buyers.

Installing energy-efficient faucets, shower heads, and toilets is an excellent way to help buyers conserve water. Any appliances that come with the home, such as washing machines or ovens, can also be energy-efficient. Solar power and energy-efficient heaters are other options that can add to a home’s sustainability.

Materials such as brick and bamboo are better for the environment than traditional wood. Bamboo can be a particularly useful sustainable material for built-in furniture because, while it looks similar to wood, it grows much faster. Bamboo cabinets and brick fireplaces can add accents that are both beautiful and sustainable to any new home.

Stage Your Home for a Quick Sale

Your potential buyer doesn’t plan to live in an empty house, so trying to sell one isn’t the most strategic choice. Instead, hire a professional home stager to fill your home with an aesthetically-pleasing arrangement of furniture and decor that will convince buyers of its potential as a modern, beautiful home. At Creative Home Stagers, we keep up with the latest trends in interior design and use them to stage a home that potential buyers can picture themselves living in. Going the extra mile to show buyers that you want them to love their new home is an excellent way to make a faster sale!

Contact Creative Home Stagers today to learn more about how we can help you showcase your home for a quick sale!