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Building a home is a multidimensional process. Architects, contractors, carpenters, plumbers, roofers, surveyors, painters and so many more experts are needed to complete a build. From ground breaking to sale there are various moving parts. Mistakes at any point in the process can prove costly. None less so than ignoring the need for professional staging. According to research, for every $100 spent on home staging, the potential return is $400. Making home staging a permanent part of your property marketing plan will increase your average selling price and decrease your properties average time on the market. Here’s why;


Buying a home is not just about price, storage space and location. There are many psychological factors that go into choosing a home. Nearly half of all home buyers will spend more a home they “really like”. They buy on based on how they feel about the home, then justify their purchase with logic later. When a home is empty, it’s a shell. It can seem cold and uninviting. What brings a home alive are the people and things that go into it. With effective home staging you are halfway there. 77% of buyers’ agents report that staging makes it easier for a potential buyer to visualize the property as their future home.



Neighborhood and landscaping are only part of a first impression. The most critical part is what is on the inside. The first impression must have the buyer interested and engaged right away. You want them to begin emotionally connecting to the space the minute they walk in and then build on that as they walk through. First impressions involve all five senses. Home staging professionals understand how to create an environment that pleases all the senses and that creates an unforgettable first impression of your property.



The goal of staging is not to fill a home with too many things to look at. The goal is to neutralize the home by strategically placing general yet beautiful pieces in a calculated way in order to appeal to the greatest number of buyers. A competent staging professional will place items in such a way that the home’s features are highlighted, and the buyer can visualize themselves living life in that space.

It’s no secret that today’s housing market is a battlefield. For both sellers and buyers, the market is competitive. If a builder wants their property to sell before their competitors, two things need to happen:

  1.  It needs to be priced well
  2.  It needs to look amazing 

Many beautiful homes are passed on by a buyer simply because the staging was not effective and did not showcase the home well. Staged homes are proven to be off the market faster than their non-staged counterparts, and at higher price.

As with any stage in the home building process, you want to choose the right professional for the job. Creative Home Stagers is a knowledgeable team of qualified professionals whose proven industry techniques will sell your home faster and for more money. Contact us today to speak to one of our talented professional stagers about getting your home off the market fast!