
“Why do I need to stage my home? It’s a seller’s market!”

It’s a question we get all the time!

And understandably so. Charlotte is most definitely a seller’s market at the moment which means a lot of sellers enter the housing game with unrealistic expectations. Let’s break it down.

The Myths of a Seller’s Market

Yes, sellers have the power in this market! What that DOES mean is that homeowners can generally get a higher price for their home, sell in a shorter period of time, and command more attention thanks to limited inventory. What it DOES NOT mean is that every house that goes on the market gets ten bids the day it hits the MLS, that buyers will overpay because there are so few homes on the market, and that a home should be listed as-is.

Why You Still Need to Stage in a Seller’s Market

There are actually a few, data-driven reasons you need to stage your home even (especially!) in a hot seller’s market like Charlotte’s. Let’s take them one-by-one.

Premium Prices: Buyers expect home prices to be high. They’re fully aware how low inventory is and they also know they might have to “bid” to get a house. What they do not expect – or tolerate – is paying too much for a home. What’s “too much” in a seller’s market? A dated fixer-upper priced at a turnkey home rate. Buyers are savvy and they’re willing to pay a premium but they also want to get what they pay for.

Listing Competition: Limited inventory does not mean no inventory. If anything, homeowners have to try even harder to compete with other homes on the market at the moment, especially if those homes are asking a lower price. With fewer comps, home buyers really need to feel the value of your home to set it apart from other houses. If they can’t see it on paper, you’ll need to show it to them through staging, great photos, and experiential showings.

High ROI: Staging isn’t a marketing gimmick, it’s an investment. Statistic after statistic proves that professional staging offers unparalleled ROI. If you’ve considered upgrading the countertops or having your exterior painted before listing, you need to consider staging. It’s less disruptive, cheaper than you think, and can be done in just a few days. Staging pays for itself again and again (and again) when you sell your house faster and for more money.


Do you want multiple bids on your Charlotte home for sale?
You need to stage.

Creative Home Stagers is Charlotte’s choice for professional home staging; our experts know a thing or two about making your house stand out in a hot seller’s market.