If you are looking to sell a new home, you may have some questions about home staging. Fortunately, the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) conducted a survey that asked REALTORS for their observations about home staging.

The survey, which took place in January 2021, invited a random sampling of 58,300 REALTORS to answer some questions. They received a total of 2,347 usable responses.

Here’s a look at the survey’s findings.

What do Buyers’ Agents Say About Home Staging

Ultimately, when you’re selling your home, you want to appeal to a buyer. It is helpful to get an idea of what the buyers expect to see when they tour your home. NAR asked buyers’ agents some of the things they noticed, and here are the responses:

  • 82% of buyer’s agents said that staging a home made it easier for their clients to visualize the property as their future home.
  • 41% of buyers were more willing to walk through the home if they saw photos online
  • 39% of buyers said the home’s value increased if it was decorated according to the buyer’s taste.

When asked which rooms were the most important to stage, buyers said the two most important rooms to stage were the living room (46%) and the master bedroom (43%). They also stressed the importance of having photos (54%), videos (45%), and virtual tours (45%) since the start of the pandemic.

What Do Sellers’ Agents Say About Home Staging?

The other side of this coin is the sellers’ agent. The agent selling a home needs to attempt to get the highest offer possible. Here are a few things sellers’ agents had to say about staging a home.

  • 31% said that they staged all sellers’ homes prior to listing them.
  • 13% said they only staged homes that were difficult to sell.
  • 42% said they didn’t stage homes but that recommended that the seller declutter the home and fix some of the property faults.
  • 8% only stage homes in a high price bracket.

When sellers’ agents were staging a home, they tended to focus on the following areas: living room (90%), kitchen (80%), master bedroom (78%), and dining room (69%). Some of the least common staged areas were the home office (39%) and children’s rooms (22%).

How Does Home Staging Impact Time on Market?

Now if you’re going to invest time and money on home staging to sell your home, you may want to know how it impacts a home’s time on the market and perceived value.

  • 22% of sellers’ agents said that they noticed shorter times on the market when a home was staged
  • 17% said that staging a home did not impact the time on the market
  • 10% said that home staging increased time on the market

Additionally, 23% of sellers’ agents reported an increase in the value of the homes between 1% and 5%, while about 18% of respondents reported an increase in value between 6% and 10%. No one said that home staging had a negative effect on a home’s value.

Book a Home Staging Consultation

Want to see what it would take to stage your home? Creative Home Staging offers home staging services in the Charlotte area. We have solutions to help you stage each room using items you already own. Contact us today and see how we can help you.