The Charlotte housing market continues to surge in 2021 even after a record-breaking 2020 across the United States. As a home builder, you might be wondering how you can be competitive in the current landscape. One way to gain a competitive edge is to partner with a home staging company.

Here’s why.

Why You Should Partner with a Home Staging Company

1. Get a higher return

Did you know that staging a home impacts the sales price? According to our research, a home sells for $64,000 more on average when it’s staged compared to when it is shown empty. Partnering with a staging company after you build a new home more than pays for itself and you can walk away with significantly more money in your pocket.

2. Help buyers visualize their new home

As a builder, you take your raw materials and build a beautiful house. A home staging company can bring it to life and help potential buyers view it as a home. Partnering with a home stager can help get properties in the best visual “selling” shape. This means faster turnaround times and higher sale prices.

3. Distinguish your company

A company’s brand and reputation are important factors to potential homebuyers for purchasing considerations in a highly competitive environment. If you want to be seen as the quality and/or high-end builder in your area, there are ways beyond the typical home building process that can help you build your reputation. Professionally staging the homes you build is one way to stand out and be known for consistently listing beautiful show-ready homes that sell quickly and for more money.

How to Partner with a Home Staging Company

Like all partnerships, a partnership you form with a home staging company should be mutually beneficial to both parties. Before you begin, it might be helpful to think about what you’d like to gain and what you can give in a partnership. Knowing what you want and what you can give makes forming a partnership much easier.

1. Search for home staging companies in your area.

Do some research and look around for the right partners. Do a simple Google search online and ask around your city. Look for companies that have a professional image and great reviews.

2. Propose a mutually beneficial partnership

Many staging companies offer discounted packages to you as a home building company if you are willing to buy in bulk and pay in advance. You could also talk about how to share leads or offer each other unique deals. Anything that you can do to showcase each other as partners can be brainstormed.

The Charlotte Home Staging Company

Creative Home Stagers has been helping sell residential properties and new builds in Charlotte with professional home staging and interior design services since 2009. We have solutions for every room in the house and can utilize furniture on hand or design and purchase new merchandise for you.

Charlotte, North Carolina is a city positioned for growth and its population is trending upward. That means more people and more homes to compete with. Contact us today if you want to stand out from the noise of a competitive market with professional staging services.