In a recent study, the National Association of Realtors estimated that 83% of buyer’s agents claimed that staging helped the buyer to visualize the property as their future home. Similar reports in other countries confirm these findings. For example, the Home Staging Association in the UK states that a staged home sells as much as three times faster than an non-staged home, and staging increases the value by up to 10%. There are practical benefits to the practice of home staging, and most of them benefit the seller. The following are a few of the reasons to consider selling the idea of staging to your clients.

Faster Contracts

Since staging primarily benefits the seller, including staging as part of your sales strategy attracts motivated sellers. If the benefits are outlined to them, they may more quickly decide to sign an exclusive contract with the agent who introduces them to the concept and its advantages. Most buyers begin their search for a home online, so staged properties will stand out and therefore generate more interest.

Quicker Sales

Staging a home introduces a fresh and professional perspective to the property. Stagers are not sentimentally attached to the current design and decoration and can therefore see the potential of the property much clearer than the owner. Having the resources and knowing the market, they can quickly transform the look of the house to be more appealing to current buyers. And since staging is a strategy many realtors use to attract buyers to a property that has been difficult to sell, logic determines that it speeds up the sale of any property.

Improved Value

The report noted above adds that there was as much as a five percent increase in the amount offered by buyers for homes that were staged when compared to similar homes that weren’t. Staging also seemed to minimize the amount of items buyers would typically complain about when seeking to lower the price of a home. As part of a sales strategy, many homeowners lower their asking prices if their home seems to be unable to sell. But rather than lower the price, talk to them about the option of staging instead. Better pictures make for better advertising, and the greater appeal at the same listing price may attract new buyers or convince past buyers to reconsider.

A Beneficial Relationship

Often, home stagers can say things to the buyer about their home that real estate agents cannot say for fear of losing the listing. So working with a professional home stager can create a strong relationship where both work together to accomplish the most for the client. When needed, the home stager can be the “bad cop” to your “good cop” in order to convince the seller of things that could be done to improve the value and attract a faster sale. The portfolio of each will likely grow in size and reputation, and soon you may outshine the competition in the market.

Less Stress

Besides faster sales and higher offers, one of the most attractive benefits for the owner may be the fact that a staging company saves them the time and energy of staging the home themselves. Both seller and agent experience less stress knowing the property is tasteful and attractive. Diminished stress and augmented confidence promote a mutually beneficial relationship and happier clients.

Whether offering staging as part of your services upfront, using it as a strategy for marketing, or even just using partial staging to highlight dominant aspects of a home or property, the benefits go largely to the seller, and thereby to you as the agent. Hiring the professional services of a home staging company such as Creative Home Stagers in Charlotte, NC, is the advantageous choice for successful marketing.