Wait, I have to spend money to make money on my house?

This is a common first thought by home sellers when they are introduced to the concept of home staging by their realtor. Selling a house is one of, if not the, largest financial transaction most homeowners will ever be involved in and it makes sense to be wary of spending money to get the house sold.

kitchen-afterBUT, in reality, home staging is a win-win for all parties – the seller, the buyer and the realtor.

The goal of the seller is to gain as much attention from the home and from as many potential buyers as possible. The more parties there are that are willing to bid on the house, the greater the odds are of the house selling for over the asking price. The buyer wants to find a house they love that fits their needs and the needs of their family. The realtor wants the home to sell quickly and for the most money.

Anyone in real estate can attest to the truth behind the statement of “a home that shows well, sells.” And home staging does just that; it bridges the gap between all parties involved in the sales process.

Home staging allows the seller to put the home’s best foot forward from the start and allows the buyer to see the house’s true potential. This results in a faster sell for both the seller and the realtor.

Read The Ultimate Cheat Sheet on Home Staging>>


AfterDid you know…

  • According to HomeGain.com, staged homes spend 83 percent less time on the market than non-staged homes.
  • Buyers tend to form an opinion on a home within the first 7-10 seconds of arriving at the property according to About Home.
  • It’s estimated that only 10 percent of buyers can see the potential of a home past any clutter and imperfections; that leaves 90 percent of buyers who cannot.
  • In controlled tests in selling identical homes, staged versus not staged, staged houses sold in 45 days compared to non-staged houses sold in 102 days (Real Estate Staging Association).
  • Home Gain Survey conducted research including over 2,000 realtors and discovered home staging typically provides a 586 percent ROI.
  • The National Association of Realtors states the average investment on home staging is between 1 and 3 percent of the home’s asking price, and it generates an 8 to 10 percent ROI.
  • In a survey of 2,800 properties conducted by Coldwell Banker, staged houses sell in half the time of a non-staged home.

Ready to Stage?

Preparing to put your house on the market? Creative Home Stagers can help you get your property ready to sell fast and for more money!

logo270-pinkCreative Home Stagers boasts a team of accredited home stagers and interior designers who can help you put your house’s best foot forward to allow you to move from stage to sell. Call 704-315-5802 to speak to a home stager directly or visit Creative Home Stagers’ website to request a quote.