When getting your home ready for a staging, packing is one of the most headache inducing aspects of selling your home. But if you stay organized and on task, cleaning out the clutter can get your home sold faster.

When going room by room, clean out clutter one small area at a time. Don’t try to tackle your kitchen clutter and your desk clutter in the same day. And don’t fall into the trap of putting your kitchen junk drawer clutter in the same box as your master bathroom junk drawer clutter.

A good way to keep your boxes organized in the long run is use colored duct tape to indicate different rooms and keep them on a master list. For example, the kitchen is the pink tape and the master bedroom is the green tape, etc. You could also add numbers or stickers to get even more specific – green tape plus 3 is family photos, green tape plus 1 are your mementos from your trips abroad. You get the idea.

Keep that master list in safe place and refer back to it often to make sure you know where everything is when getting your home sold.