
Elegant Home Staging Will Sell Your Home Faster, Every Time.

Many buyers will pass on a home they may have loved, but were given a chance to second guess. Prospective buyers want to get the most value for their money while paying less. It’s human nature. And that’s why it is absolutely imperative to sedulously satiate any doubts potential buyers may have revolving the buying your home. Thankfully, many of the conscious and subconscious stressors of doubt are seamlessly addressed with home staging.


Almost 50 percent of all buyers are positively impacted by staged homes. That’s a fifty percent elimination of your total risk by simply staging your home. Did you know staged homes featured online receive 40 percent more bookings and walkthroughs? Home staging has the power to sway buyers quickly and effectively, without their knowledge. And that’s why we’re magicians. You can be one too. Here’s a quick breakdown of our top three favorite home staging tips.


1. Stage The RIGHT Rooms

Let’s be honest, sometimes when we DIY, we don’t follow-through completely. This can literally cost you the sale of your home, but we’re not here to judge. If you’re on a shoestring budget, or just can’t manage to stage your entire home in time, there are three key areas you must stage to capitalize on the largest impact you can make on prospective buyers. Identified by the NAR, the three most important rooms to stage are the living room, master bedroom, and kitchen.


(What to Avoid When Decorating Your Rooms for Home Staging)


2. Depersonalization & Decluttering

We know you love your family heirlooms. We probably like them too, but buyers who have trouble visualizing what their personal possessions will look like in your home may not pull the trigger. 77 percent of agents canvassed by the National Association of Realtors (NAR) supported home staging invites prospective buyers to visualize their belongings in the expanse of your home. You heard them, clear the clutter! Even beautiful clutter. If your home doesn’t look like it can be featured in a magazine, you have to ask yourself, “Am I doing everything to eliminate the risk of not selling my home?”


3. Cleaning

You know the big perpetrators: dingy carpeting, unkempt fixtures (ceiling fans, lamp fixtures), pets, dirty walls, and the like. Home staging eliminates all aforementioned elements and adds value to your home. Let’s throw in painting over dingy walls too. But why not go one step further and choose neutral colors to appeal to the most people possible. You’re not buying your home. A complete stranger is. What better than to design for the tastes of many? Everyone loves clean.


Home Staging Makes You More Money

Need a no-nonsense solution to home home staging? Look no further! Creative Home Stagers is comprised of a tight knit team dedicated to selling your home faster and above your asking price.


Did you know professional home staging services takes homes off the market faster and increases your retail value between one and five percent?


Let’s chat.