A known benefit of becoming a real estate agent is the flexibility it offers and the ability to work independently. But, if you’re looking to build your brand further, expand your presence, and grow your career, building a team can create opportunities you only dreamed of as a solo agent. One integral team member is a professional home stager. As a real estate agent, partnering with a professional home staging company can help your listings sell faster and at a higher price.

According to the National Association of Realtors’ Profile of Home Staging Report, “Forty-nine percent of buyers’ agents cited that home staging had an effect on most buyer’s view of the home.”

An efficient and mutually beneficial way to partner with a home staging company is to create home staging packages. Creating different packages at price points can help build successful partnerships between real estate professionals and staging professionals. These partnerships can provide real estate agents with greater professional credibility, help agents become top-performing agents, have a competitive advantage over other agents, and sell listings faster — at higher selling prices. Creating a partnership can also build broader professional networks, expanding the exposure opportunities for new business.

Below outlines what a professional home staging package could include and how to make it work for you.

  • Full Home Bundles: Creating packages based on the number of homes you can bring on for staging services can help establish a relationship with a staging company, build trust, and offer peace-of-mind that the staging company will be available to stage the listing.
  • Individual Room Bundles: Like a full home bundle, creating a package based on room types (i.e. living rooms, bedrooms, offices, etc.) is on a smaller scale, but can provide value and impact to the rooms that are the strong selling points of a home.
  • Mini Makeover Bundles: For homes that only need some styling adjustments, mini makeovers can fill in the gaps that take a beautiful listing to a listing that sells. Services in a mini makeover bundle may include sprucing up the home by re-purposing the homeowner’s existing items, rearranging art, editing personal items, and making furniture adjustments.
  • Lifestyle Bundles: A lifestyle staging package could help your luxury listing stand out to the most discerning buyers. In addition to staging the home to sell, a lifestyle bundle can include enhancements that will help a buyer visualize living there. These enhancements may include wine and cheese in the kitchen, a hotel-inspired guest bedroom, a bathroom that mimics a spa setting, or an office with the accessories that make it possible to have a comfortable and productive work from home environment.
  • Photo Preparation Bundles: Rooms often translate differently in real-life versus photography. A professional stager can make the necessary tweaks to a space to make sure they are enticing in the listing photos, as they are in real-life.

Once you have established the staging packages with your professional home staging partner, invest in professional photography to help your listings stand out. Leverage these photographs to further your marketing reach through social media, and your client networks.