pic-1The decision’s been made! Whether you’re downsizing, in need of more space or moving to a new city, you’re doing it. You’re moving!

Now that you’ve made the big decision to move on to better things, you’re faced with selling your home. And since the last thing you want is to own two houses, you need to sell your home fast.

But, how do you go about doing that? What things can you do to helping the selling process?

Check out our Beginner’s Guide for some tips and tricks to selling your home faster and for more money!

The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Selling Your Home

1. Set the Right Price with Your Realtor

Coming up with a price point for your home is always a difficult task when you have emotional attachment to the house; you’re always going to have a figure in your head of what you think your home is worth. However, trust your realtor.

Your realtor is going to research your neighborhood and what other homes are going for, and will also evaluate your home, coming up with the market value.

The first 30 days on the market are the most important and if your house is overpriced, buyers and other realtors will stay away. However, if you price the home at market value, you’re more likely to get several bids bumping up the end selling price.

2. Depersonalize Your Home

After4Once you decide to sell your home, it’s time to depersonalize everything. Remove family photos and other elements that customize your home to give the space a more neutral feel.

Giving the home a more neutral tone will allow buyers to more easily picture their own lives and memories being created in the space.

3. Maximize the Lighting

To make your home more inviting and bright to potential buyers, capitalize on the natural light drawn into your home and complement it with lighting. Open the blinds, hang sheer draperies, place decorative lamps in darker rooms, paint the walls lighter colors – anything you can do to make the space more bright and welcoming.

4. Enhance Your Curb Appeal

First impressions mean everything. Once you make plans to put your house on the market, assess the outside of your home. What work needs to be done? Could your house use a coat of paint? Does the lawn need some work? Perhaps some flowers could brighten up the front steps?


Spending a Saturday outside working on your curb appeal can make a world of a difference when it comes to selling your home.

5. Utilize the Space

When selling your home, it’s imperative the space looks open and not crowded. Remove excess decorations and clutter, take away unnecessary furniture, and keep closets half empty. This will allow rooms and closets to appear bigger, and it will also help assign a purpose to a room.

6.  Send the Pets to Daycare

While you might embrace the fact that you’re a crazy cat lady or you might love your pup more than life itself, there’s a fair chance you’ll encounter a potential buyer who is not an animal lover or they’re allergic.

While your house is on the market, it’s a good idea to send your pets to a daycare or have a family friend watch them. Then, hide away their toys, beds, food, and litter boxes. It’s also not a bad idea to have a cleaning company come in and do a deep clean to remove odors and stains.

Living-Room7. Always be Show-Ready

Finally, the most important thing to remember when your home is on the market is it must always be show-ready. You never know when a realtor might have someone who wants to view your house so it needs to be in tip-top shape at all times.

Keep things clean and tidy, and be willing to step out at a moment’s notice.

Creative Home Stagers Can Help!

Are you finding yourself overwhelmed by these tips and tricks that will help in the selling process? There’s no need to fret! Creative Home Stagers are here to help!

kitchen-afterWhether you are seeking professional consulting, or would like our team of accredited home stagers and interior designers to come stage the inside and outside of your home for you, Creative Home Stagers offers a variety of options to help you sell your home faster and for more money.

For more information on home staging and Creative Home Stagers, call 704-315-5802 to speak to a representative or visit our website.