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Building for Boomers? You should know what the second-largest homebuying contingent is looking for. Whether you’re a new developer, a flipper, or just looking to sell your single family home, Baby Boomer buyers are in a league of their own.

Here’s what Boomer buyers are looking for.

Less Maintenance
It goes without saying that the older homebuyers get, the less time they want to spend taking care of their home. New builders are taking this literally, building homes on smaller footprints with less land. Existing homes can capitalize on this trend by eliminating “high maintenance” features of their home: marble countertops become quartz; grassy lawns become paver-patios; wood-burning fireplaces go gas, etc. The more move-in ready you home can be, the more it will appeal to work-tired Boomers.

Home Offices
More and more, Baby Boomers are working past the “age of retirement.” With remote work picking up steam, plenty of Boomers are working after retirement, acting as consultants and even picking up remote working opportunities, blogging, or selling crafts online. A dedicated home office space is important to this generation. If you have a flexible room or more than one guest room, turn it into a workstation that can double as a library or home gym, too.

Better Lighting
As with anyone, Baby Boomers’ eyesight isn’t what it used to be. An aging buyer wants a well-lit home, so that means brightening up the existing space with more windows (if it’s a new build or a remodel) and a few tips and tricks to add more natural light to the space. For rooms where natural light is not an option, recessed lighting is a great way to provide an all-over, illuminated glow.

Remember this: overpricing your home can put it out of the purview of some Baby Boomers. They’re an incredibly money conscious contingent, and they’re concerned about overextending themselves on their mortgages. Talk to your realtor about whether you can offer a buyer incentive – paid closing costs, seller financing, or even a rent-to-own situation. You never know who this kind of flexibility might appeal to.


Baby Boomers are a discerning group with great taste in homes! Of course, they’re looking for wider doors and hallways to accommodate movement (and, possibly, the eventuality of a wheelchair) as well as other subtle design features suited just for them. Neutral tones, open floor plans, and plenty of flex space is always going to appeal to this group.

Want to talk more about appealing to Baby Boomers? We’ve got you covered. Contact Creative Home Stagers today to find out what Baby Boomers are the biggest group you’ve been missing.