When realtors and stagers partner up, there are many benefits to both the professionals and the client they’re representing. Industry reports and studies have recently concluded what many real estate professionals have known for years. Homes that are staged sell faster, and for higher rates than unstaged or empty homes with similar features in the same area.

According to a recent National Association of Realtors report, “Thirty-nine percent of sellers’ agents stated that staging a home greatly decreases the amount of time the home is on the market.” A shorter time on the market is a relief to sellers, who are eager to be done with the stressful process of selling, and beneficial to real estate agents as well. Homes that take a long time to sell also tend to sell at a lower price point.

A Great Partnership

To stage a home efficiently and effectively, the seller’s real estate agent and the home stager must work together. This partnership can only function when each of them are taking care of their responsibilities, and fulfilling their roles to the best of their abilities.

The Role of the Realtor

The realtor is responsible for marketing their listing, and doing whatever possible to ensure they maximize the value of the home they’re selling. Sellers rely on real estate agents to guide them through the process of setting up their home for sale, and hiring a home stager to help them make their home as marketable as possible. Realtors offer clients guidance on the market value of their home, and suggest an ideal listing price to attract the most interested buyers. The seller’s agent also sets up viewings, and negotiates with the buyer’s agent on behalf of their clients.

When working in partnership with a home stager, realtors are an invaluable asset to facilitating a positive relationship between the stager and the sellers.

The Role of the Home Stager

The best home stagers operate with one purpose in mind: to improve the aesthetics of the home in order to increase its value. Home stagers do this by making recommendations for furniture, layout, and décor changes that will help depersonalize and improve the look of the home, making it easier for buyers to visualize themselves living there.

It can be difficult for home stagers to make improvements to the look of the home without offending the current occupants. Selling a home is an emotional process, and being told that things need to change can feel hurtful. The best home stagers always offer their suggestions in a tactful way. With support from the realtor, the home stager should be able to convince the sellers that home staging is a worthwhile investment in the value of their property.

Partner with a Home Staging Company

Looking to partner with a Charlotte-area home staging company to bring greater value to your clients? Get in touch with Creative Home Stagers to learn more about the services we offer, and discuss how we can work together to increase the value of your homes for sale.