Mansion and autumn colors in Longwood Gardens, Pennsylvania.


Fall is a wonderful time to sell your home! The weather’s great, the glut of summer homes are off the market, and people are thinking about year-end and new beginnings.

Want to attract home buyers in the fall? Here are five ways to boost curb appeal outside your home from Creative Home Stagers.

1. Utilize Potted Plants

Curb appeal is all about bringing life to your home, but fall is not the time of year to plant a bunch of bushes and shrubs that will only die in a few months. Our favorite potted plant for fall? Mums. They’re colorful, inexpensive, and large enough to provide a “wow” moment when buyers evaluate your house.

2. Deal With Leaves

Yes, fall leaves are beautiful, and yes, they’re atmospheric. But if you’re thinking of selling your home you need to be more vigilant about leaves than ever! Rake at least once a week to keep leaves off your lawn and sweep them off your driveway and steps, too. They can discolor the concrete and even kill your grass if the climate is just right.

3. Think Seasonal, Not Holiday

Halloween is fun and Thanksgiving is grand, but you want buyers to see your house, not your holiday decorations. Keep festive items to a minimum and above all else, keep them neutral. A fall-colored wreath on the door is fine – a simple pinecone wreath is better. Same goes for Jack-O-Lanterns, ceramic turkeys, and especially for Christmas décor.

4. Clean Your Exterior

Summer probably did a number on your home. Fall is a great time to get your gutters professionally cleaned, have your yard landscaped, and even get the exterior of your house painted if it needs it. The weather is moderate enough to get the work done quickly but not so hot professionals have to start early in the morning.

5. Consider Your Lighting

Particularly after daylight savings hits, your house might feel dark in the fall. Now’s a good time to think about its exterior lighting; should you put a brighter bulb in that floodlight? Pay someone to install tree-lights? Add a few lights down your winding front walk? Lighting makes a home feel cozy, and a lack of lighting makes it feel vacant.


A little fall love goes a long way toward getting your home sold! Too many sellers spend all their time fussing over the interior of their home when the outside is equally important. For more help staging your home’s exterior this fall, contact the pros at Creative Home Stagers. We’re ready to help.