What are Baby Boomers Looking for in a New Home?.jpg

There are over 76 million Baby Boomers in the United States. The group represents one of the largest contingents of home buyers, most of whom have already owned homes previously. To developers and home sellers alike, Boomer buyers represent a huge opportunity, but what is this group looking for in a new home?

Here are a few features Baby Boomers want in new construction.

Smaller Footprint
There is a bonafide movement among Baby Boomers, some of whom have officially reached their 70s, towards downsizing. Though the average American home is still over 2,000 square feet, many Boomers say they want less square footage to maintain. In fact, a niche market of condo developments offering less square footage has popped up catering specifically to this age group.

Luxury Finishes
For many Boomers, downsizing doesn’t mean fewer accoutrements. Luxury finishes are at the top of the list for most buyers in this group, especially if they’re purchasing their “dream home” at this point in their lives. They’re looking for marble or granite countertops, custom cabinetry, and hardwood floors, and they’re not settling.

First-Floor Master Bedroom
Boomers are nothing if not practical. For buyers looking at purchasing one final home, first floor masters are important, and many are choosing one-level houses altogether. The fewer stairs to contend with once old age hits, the better for Boomers. They’re also looking for properties that require less maintenance on the interior and exterior as well.

Flex Space
The bonus room is back! When they’ve got the square footage, Boomers want the option to have some flexible space. They’re turning these rooms or nooks into home offices, guest quarters, and even playrooms for the grandkids. More tech savvy than ever, some are even using flex spaces as media rooms.

Boomers are some of the most specific home buyers in history, and for good reason. They have the income, the experience, and more access to home features than they ever have.

Want more info on Baby Boomer home buying habits? Check out Creative Home Stagers’ free eBook, “Home Building and Design for Baby Boomers!”