There’s a common misconception out there that “staging” a home means simply decorating it. A few throw pillows, a few less knick-knacks…you’re ready to go! Not so fast.

At Creative Home Stagers, we understand there’s a lot of confusion out there about what stagers actually do. It’s true: not all stagers are created equal, and an Accredited Home Stager is so much more than just a decorator.

Design That Sells
When does Accredited staging help the most? When you’re looking to sell your home. Comprehensive staging services include more than simply painting and decluttering (although we do that, too!) We’ll help you find the best-and-highest use for each and every corner of your home. We’ll work with design to draw buyers’ eyes to the best features of your house, and away from the less-than-perfect. We will even use your existing furniture – sometimes rearranging, sometimes paring down – to create a better, more open layout. Staging isn’t decorating a home to live in, it’s positioning a home to sell.

Consulting that Works
Another oft-overlooked service provided by specialty home stagers is consultation. In fact, many of our clients come to us not looking for whole-home staging services, but advice on easy things they can do to make their home as marketable as possible. As certified staging professionals, we know which fixes get you the best bang for your buck, and which you can skip. From color recommendations to a top-ten priority list you can check off yourself, we can work in conjunction with your Realtor to determine the best way to showcase your specific home.

Creating an Ideal
It’s hard to see outside what’s right in front of us. That’s why so many buyers have difficulty imagining themselves in cluttered, overly-personalized spaces, or even appreciating the size of vacant rooms. Accredited staging services not only fill up (or clear out) a room, they do so in a way that maximizes the potential of a space. Is it necessary to stage each and every room? Not necessarily, but deciding which spaces to concentrate on is a part of the staging package, too.


Statistics don’t lie: staged homes sell faster and for higher prices than homes that aren’t. Creative Home Stagers is your local accredited home stager and we’re ready to get to work! We know what sells homes.