If you’re putting your home on the market you’re looking to get a quick sale and a high price. That’s where home staging comes in. This practice is more than sticking nice furniture and a few accessories in a space.

Home stagers have extensive knowledge of the target buyer market and expertise in making your home stand out, as well as look move-in ready. This methodology addresses the two specific concerns of sellers. Don’t take our word for it, see why home staging is recommended by the top realtors!

It sells your home more quickly

home staging sell quickly

According to RESA (Real Estate Staging Association), a home that has been staged spends about 73% less time on market.

For sellers the slow sale of a home may mean juggling two mortgages, incurring additional storage fees and other costs. With professional home staging the statistics show your home will sell much faster.

Another way to sell your home quickly is to significantly drop the selling price, but that’s typically counterintuitive to what a seller is hoping for. This is yet another area where home staging helps sellers…

It sells your home for significantly more

According to the National Association of Realtors, “for every $100 invested in staging, the potential return is $400 . Compare that to the average sale price, which is a reduction of 10-20% from asking. So an average home with a $400,000 asking price will be reduced by $40,000 to $80,000.”

Ever heard that saying: “You’ve got to spend money to make money”? In the world of real estate and home selling it is the truest of truths. It can be tough to swallow sending money up front to earn a return later, but the data shows that the return on homes that are staged is significant enough to warrant doing it.

Realtors who have a hard time selling a home, or who’d like to make a higher margin for their sellers often encourage home staging for this very reason.

For your target buyer a staged home often comes across as more appealing in photos and move-in ready, a fact that means more foot traffic, more viewings and a faster turnaround on market with a higher selling price.

Stage Your Home Today!

Creative Home Stagers helps home sellers with a team of accredited professional home stagers.


Our extensive knowledge of the buyer market and years of experience and expertise means we can get your home ready to sell quickly and at a higher price. To learn more or request a quote, visit our website or call 704-315-5802. We’d love to speak with you!