Any experienced builder will tell you, knowing who you’re building for should be part of early planning. It affects not only the type of buildings that are constructed, but the layout and customization that goes into each.

In addition, identifying your target market will help inform post-build tasks such as your model home merchandising and or interior design. This service is key as it helps your buildings sell quickly and at good price points.

How Target Market Affects Model Home Merchandising

It’s obvious why pinpointing your target market affects the initial build, however it may be less clear how it plays a role in the post-build selling process such as with model home merchandising and design.

To clarify, it affects two key areas: addressing buyer concerns and helping prospective buyers to visualize their lives in their future building, whether as a family looking for a new home, or a business unit looking for commercial space.

Model Home Merchandising for Buyer Concerns

Regardless of whether you’re building a residential or commercial building, some concerns for the building’s tenants based on target market research could include:

  • Technology
  • Safety
  • Sustainability

Just to name a few. During the building process, construction can certainly include materials that are tech and eco-friendly, however including power-saving, smart appliances, motion-activated and energy saving lights and so on, post-build, can further help families and businesses to visualize the solution to their concerns.

Imagine for instance—a family walking into an empty, dark closet with unhooked washer and dryer connections versus a room furnished with a high-efficiency washer and dryer set and lighting that can save them 75% off their energy bills. It’s much easier to show this, than to have a realtor describe or get buyers to visualize this.

Having a certified and accredited model home merchandiser and designer can also help inform foundational purchase decisions to address sustainability with things like lighting, efficient faucet fixtures or dual-flush toilets, versus what a builder may put in standard.

Merchandising for Buyer Tastes and Lifestyles

While the domain of builders and developers involves staying on top of deadlines, maximizing the land they’re constructing upon and turning a profit, model home merchandising professionals keep up with the changing tastes and needs of the target market.
Taking factors such as family size, income, place of employment, lifestyle, motivating factors behind purchase, and more, merchandising and design professions can create an aesthetic that speaks to the buyer.

Knowing the color palettes, aesthetics and functionality that will appeal to this buyer market allows model home merchandisers to create not only a visual experience, but an emotional one which will allow homes and commercial spaces to sell more quickly and at high profit price points. Something that an empty, albeit new home or building, simply could not convey.

Let Our Model Home Merchandising Team Elevate Your Building Project

Our team of experts can help with the merchandising and design of your model building. Our previous clients have described our work as “positively affect[ing] the successful sales for my clients in time-on-market and the highest-and-best sales price.”

Services include:

  • Model Home Merchandising
  • Commercial Design
  • Sales & Leasing Environments
  • Residential Staging & Vignettes
  • Interior Architectural Evaluation & Design
  • Project Management
  • Field Survey Assistance
  • Construction Documents
  • Schematic Design
  • FFE Selection & Installation
  • Art Selection & Installation
  • Accessories Selection & Installation

Get a project quote or call us at 704-315-5802 to discuss designing and merchandising your buildings.
