Selling your vacation home can be a little different than selling your house. Since these aren’t typically your primary residences, you may be selling a business, aesthetic and location along with it.

However, your vision for that business and locale don’t always match your potential buyer, and failing to create a blank canvas for your buyers to visualize themselves owning the home could cost you money.

Not Focusing on the First Impression

Just like selling any other home, the curb appeal of your vacation home is very important. Buyers want a home that evokes relaxation, so a well-put-together exterior is crucial to building interest. It doesn’t hurt to give your home a fresh coat of paint, or prune the vegetation around it.

Not Paying Attention to Outdoor Spaces

Not only is it essential that the outside look pristine, but your outdoor spaces should be well-maintained. Most vacationers staying at the property will be looking to relax. The exact staging of your home will vary depending on your home’s location, but a few ideas include putting a rocking chair on your porch or some chairs on the back deck.

Not Playing Down Your Theme

Themed getaways may catch the attention of potential vacation renters, but it can be a turnoff to potential homebuyers looking to purchase a vacation rental. Many homebuyers prefer a more neutral canvas where they can bring their own ideas into the space. Pops of color are fine, but keeping it simple and theme-less is more likely to get you that sale.

Not Cutting Out Decorations

Minimalism is key to selling a home. Putting in minimal decor in your vacation home rental means that it will look larger. This is key to drawing in buyers and eventually converting them into offers.

Not Rearranging the Furniture

Buyers want to see open, walkable space, so rearranging your furniture is essential before photos are taken. Your potential buyers want to see quality photos that match the price point that you’re asking for, so while crisp white furniture may not be ideal for your day-to-day life, it’s worth taking the time to stage as you’re getting ready to sell your home.

Not Removing Mismatched Furniture

Grungy, mismatched furniture may be a cute aesthetic for renters, but it’s distracting to buyers. We recommend removing or covering up any mix-and-matched furniture with neutral slipcovers so that they can have a blank canvas to work from.

Not Incorporating the Location

Try adding in some small nods to your home’s location with the help of decor. Have a townhouse in San Francisco? Include a photo of the wharf or the Golden Gate bridge over the fireplace. Have a beach house on Cape Cod? Decorate it with some coastal nods to evoke the beach.

Not Booking a Consultation

Take the guesswork out of staging your vacation home with a consultation from Creative Home Stagers. Their goal is to get your Charlotte-based property in the best visual selling shape within your budget using many of the items you currently own. Request a quote for staging your vacation home today.