Tag: Common mistakes

Biggest Mistakes of Selling Your Vacation Home

Selling your vacation home can be a little different than selling your house. Since these aren’t typically your primary residences, you may…

3 Home Staging Trends to Avoid at All Costs

    Great home stagers stay abreast of what’s trending in home design. They know exactly which trends can help your home…

Common Mistakes Sellers Make in a Seller’s Market

  Seller’s markets are great…for sellers! When housing inventory is low, sellers have more control over when, how, and for what price…

3 Home Staging Myths Debunked

There are a lot of myths about home staging out there! Some are based in real-world experience, some are promulgated by well-meaning…

Is Staging Your Home Worth it in a Seller’s Market?

Real estate markets are cyclical. There are buyer’s markets, seller’s markets, up-markets and down-markets…each stage of the cycle offers different benefits and…

When is Staging a Home Worth It?

Home staging can be a great investment, saving you time, money, and hassle. It’s almost always a good idea to properly stage…

What to Avoid When Decorating your Rooms for Home Staging

There is a laundry list of items when it comes to home staging: painting, updating, furnishing, and so on. Included in that…

Home Staging 101: Warm Colors Versus Cool Colors

There are many elements that going into properly staging a home to allow the owner to sell the house faster and for…

5 Reasons Your Home Isn’t Selling

There is nothing worse than putting your home on the market just to watch it sit there. Once the decision has been…