There are many elements that going into properly staging a home to allow the owner to sell the house faster and for more money. One of these many elements is color. Whether its choosing a paint color for the walls or selecting colors for the décor and furnishings, having complementary colors that give off the same vibe is important.

Read on to learn what colors are considered warm and cool, to learn how to create a balance between the two, and to learn how these categories can enhance a room as you’re staging.

AfterWarm Colors

Warm colors would be oranges, reds, yellows, or combinations using shades of these colors. Warm colors bring conceptions of sunlight or heat and similar to dark colors, and they almost appear to come closer, which is why they help give rooms a cozy feel.

A home stager will often use warm or dark colors if they are trying to make an excessively large room seem more intimate. For example, if a home office is so large it seems empty with furniture, a deep, rusty orange could make it cozier.

Cool Colors

AfterCool colors hold soothing tones of blues, greens, and purples, and create a calming atmosphere. Cool colors tend to remind people of the sky or water, and they tend to look like they recede so they’re great at making smaller rooms seem larger.

For example, a home stager could utilize a light blue if they wanted to make a tiny bedroom seem larger and more spacious.

Finding Balance

When it comes to warm and cool colors, balance is key. If a room is full of only warm colors it will be too vibrant and overbearing. On the other hand, if a room is holding cool colors, it could seem dull and cold.

It’s important to remember that when it comes to staging, rooms need to hold a balance of both warm and cool colors.

Get in Touch with Creative Home Stagers

Are you ready to get your home staged to sell? The accredited home stagers and interior designers at Creative Home Stagers can help! Call 704-315-5802 to speak to a representative or fill-out the form on the website.