Home staging can be a great investment, saving you time, money, and hassle. It’s almost always a good idea to properly stage a home before it goes to market, but in some scenarios it’s an absolute necessity. When is it worth it to stage a home and when should you try and do without?

Here are a few situations that absolutely deserve a professional’s touch.

When the Home is Vacant
If you’re attempting to sell a vacant home – whether old or brand new – staging is always a good idea. While certain buyers may be able to imagine living in a home without furniture, most can’t. And contrary to popular belief, rooms actually look smaller when they’re unfurnished! The Association of Home Staging Professionals say that staged homes sell an average of eight times faster than their un-staged counterparts.

When the Home is Dated
Selling a home that’s dated in terms of architecture, finishing, and décor is a tall order. Most buyers simply can’t look past the aesthetics and see the bones or layout of a home, imagining the quick fixes they could do that would make a huge difference. Staging a dated house with more contemporary furniture and placement can help you reach a wider pool of potential buyers.

When the Home is a Model
Model homes are the perfect template for staging! New builders almost always bring in professional staging companies to help them “sell” a lifestyle to buyers. It’s not enough that the home has a flex space…a great stager can design the space in a way that shows the buyer exactly how they can use it to suit their own life. Model homes without staging aren’t really models at all, they’re just Homes for Sale.

When a Home is Lingering on the Market
Sometimes a stale listing needs a little push to get it sold. Whether the furniture’s dated, arranged awkwardly, or the house is simply cluttered, if a home’s been sitting on the market for a while (especially in a seller’s market like we currently have here in Charlotte), something has to give. Staging is an efficient, cost-effective way to get movement on a property.

Not only is staging a home less expensive than you think, statistics say sellers actually get more for their staged homes than they do otherwise. Want to talk to a professional in your area about staging your home or staging for your new development?

Call Creative Home Stagers – we’re Charlotte’s experienced, innovative staging collaborative!