

In 2019 the youngest of the millennials will be turning 23 and the oldest will be 38, this is primetime for home-buying. They are also a different kind of generation and as they begin to overtake the baby-boomers as the largest American population they will be the ones buying and selling homes. Here are some tips on how to stage a home to appeal to the millennial home buyer.


White and Gray


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White and light gray can be used to create a blank canvas and a brighter backdrop to the rest of the staging. White and gray are also a popular color in millennial decorating thanks the rise of the style on Pinterest. White walls are often paired with gray cabinets in the kitchen and gray furnishings throughout the home. This white style makes the home brighter and makes the room look neat and clean.

Geometric Art

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A mix of bright and pastel colors with metallic accents has become popular with young homeowners, the arrangement of these elements with Geographic forms can be used to attract millennial home buyers because it is likely to mimic the art they already have. This will make it easier for them to picture themselves in the home if it already looks like their belongings are represented.



Angular Furniture

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Along with the clean white look is a hot trend, it is paired with simple angular furniture. Though interesting patterns can be popular, millennials tend to shy away from things like decorative carved coffee tables. Keeping the furnishings simple and in largely muted colors will be more attractive to this buyer. No ornate additions or over the top decorations. This means, recliners are going to be a big no for staging.



Open Spaces

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Photo Cred: Creative Home Stagers


Keeping the flow of the home open, place furniture so there is plenty of room to walk around and through a space. This can make a smaller space feel larger. With this very social generation there is a mandatory expectation their new home will have plenty of friends and family to regularly entertain. The idea of open spaces where people can move around and have fun together is a big selling point for millennials. Staging the space to show that it can accommodate that desire will put it a notch above other possibilities.



Ready to go Kitchen

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More and more millennials are wanting to have an amazing kitchen to apply all the new lifestyle diets and adopt influencers’ take about meal prep and loving food. They want to spend time in the kitchen as well as entertain in the kitchen. Staging a kitchen with some of the tools, appliances and gadgets that they want to use will draw them in. Take heed to what is popular  and add those little touches to your home staging.


When appealing to stylish but unique audience of millennials, always be mindful of what is trending not only in design or fashion, but in their life. Knowing the color of the year, the new arrivals at Urban Outfitters and who’s famous catchphrase is “Okurrr” will contribute to not just staging but the conversations to make your home more marketable.

For more ideas to help stage and sell your property contact us.