We all know that kitchens and bathrooms sell houses, but over the last couple of years, there’s been another room that’s quickly climbed the must-have list: the home office.

Houses with home offices these days can sell for as much as 10% more than those that don’t have this amenity. This means that by finding a few extra square feet, you can increase the value of your new bids by a large margin. Here’s why dedicated workspaces are so popular and what you need to offer your clients.

We’ve Changed the Way We Work

Whether we like it or not, the covid-19 pandemic changed the way we live and work, and it looks like some of those changes are going to be permanent. Many knowledgeable workers have decided that it makes no sense to commute to the office, and the demand for remote positions has never been higher.

Even in offices where employees still spend time in the office, there tend to be hybrid and flexible options. That means that more people than ever are working from home at least some of the time.

Side Hustles Bigger Than Ever

The so-called side hustle used to be fairly rare. It wasn’t common for people to have a side business in addition to their job. However, thanks to the pandemic and all the extra time we spent at home, many more people are starting small businesses. Whether it’s selling arts and crafts, designing websites after hours, or freelancing, many people now have a second income source, and they need somewhere to run that business.

Dedicated Workspace Needed

In the past, most people who needed a home office would simply turn a niche or an alcove into a dedicated workspace. However, since we’ve all been home a lot more lately, that’s not really feasible today. It’s very hard to have video meetings when you have kids and pets in the background, and it’s hard to focus when daily life is going on all around you.

Dedicated home offices with doors that close them off from daily activities are a must in the post-office world.

Flexible Options

Many people use their home offices as flex spaces. They can do double duty as a library, or if you include a pullout couch, they can become emergency spare rooms for family and friends.
Some people also choose to use their home office spaces as art studios or music rooms. The possibilities are endless, and these days, home buyers want to have all those options on offer.

Just Another Modern Home Must Have

It wasn’t that long ago that en suite bathrooms and walk-in closets became must-haves for new homes. The demand for these features increased as our lifestyles changed, and the home office is no different.

Whether it’s a room in the home or a separate space above the garage, or even in the garden, this is one of the biggest selling points for homes right now. When you weigh the cost-to-benefit equation of this new build addition, it really does make a lot of sense to include a dedicated office space.