Any realtor who has ever tried to sell an empty or unstaged home knows how difficult it can be to get buyers to use their imagination. In one survey, 77% of buyer’s agents said that they relied on staging to make it easier for their clients to visualize a home’s potential.

Sellers and their agents who want their homes to sell quickly have turned to staging in ever-growing numbers, eager to present their home in the best possible light before it hits the market.

However, if you’re new to staging, or don’t have a reliable individual or company in your network, it can be difficult to know how to get started. Today, we’ll showcase some of the benefits of home staging, and guide you through the creation of a mutually beneficial partnership with a home staging company.

Why Partner with a Home Staging Company?

Home staging got its start in the 1970s when an enterprising real estate agent realized that her well-presented homes sold much faster than those that still had the owner’s furniture and décor. However, giving owners input on the layout of their space and decorations can be difficult. No real estate agent wants to offend their clients by suggesting they have poor taste.

By introducing home staging as a selling technique, rather than a critique of their style, an agent can turn the home for sale into a beautiful, neutral space, making it easier for the buyer to visualize themselves living there.

Here are some reasons why home staging has remained popular since its introduction in the 1970s.

Homes are Quicker to Go Under Contract

Homes that are staged sell in an average of 10.3 days. When you compare that to the fact that unstaged or empty homes spend an average of 84.6 days on the market, that’s a huge advantage.

Staging a home will help buyers take notice of your listing among thousands of others, and makes it easier for them to accurately gauge their level of interest. In a time when in-person viewings must be limited to conform to COVID-19 safety precautions, having fewer viewings with more serious buyers is in everyone’s best interest.

Higher Values

Homes that are staged are typically sold for a higher price than unstaged homes with similar features. According to a recent report by the National Association of Realtors, one-third of buyer’s agents said that staging a home increased the dollar value that their clients offered. On the seller’s end, 50% of seller’s agents said that they saw a 1-10% increase in the value of a home when it was staged.

Exposure for Both Parties

When a realtor chooses to partner with a home staging company, it widens their network of professional contacts and offers exposure to both parties. This is a great way to meet new contacts in the real estate world and create mutually beneficial connections.

Start Building Your Referral Network

Creating a partnership with a home staging company is a great way to make staging a home easier and more straightforward. When you have a trusted partner on your side, you won’t have to source new stagers for every listing, and can build up a rapport that benefits your clients.

Want to learn more? Get in touch with Creative Home Stagers to learn about our services and request a quote.